Um peixe delicioso e um filme maravilhoso

Tenho tantas coisas para contar que nem sei por onde começar.

Sei que não deveria ficar tanto tempo sem atualizar o blog e peço mil desculpas aos meus queridos leitores.

O que deu em mim? Teria eu sido afetada emocionalmente pelo tsunami? Ou pelo meu inferno astral (faltam apenas 2 semanas para o meu aniversário)?

Enfim, chega de blablablá.

Alguém aí conhece um peixe chamado HOKKE? Delicioso!

Eu não conhecia, fui apresentada a ele nesse domingo, pela minha amiga Mai.

Ela disse que comia sempre, quando era criança e morava em Hokkaido, extremo norte do Japão. O HOKKE é de lá.

"Parece bacalhau, né?", perguntou a Mai.

"Parece mesmo, porém, beeeeem menos salgado", respondi.

Sem querer, o meu almoço – ela comeu outra coisa – acabou combinando com a Páscoa! Aliás, foi a Mai quem me lembrou que era Páscoa. No Japão, a gente acaba se esquecendo destas datas cristãs.

No dia anterior, assisti a um filme maravilhoso e eu queria muito que todo mundo visse. Especialmente, a minha mãe. Será que tem em português?

O título original é Tokyo Tower – Okan to Boku to, Tokidoki, Oton (Torre de Tóquio – Minha mãe, eu e, de vez em quando, meu pai).

Pelo nome dá para entender do que se trata. É a história de um rapaz, filho único, criado pela mãe, longe do pai. O pai era daqueles irresponsáveis e mereceu mesmo ser largado pela esposa.

É linda a relação mãe/filho (e ótima atuação do trio Jou Odagiri, Kirin Kiki e Yayako Uchida) e dá vontade de correr para o colo da mãe! Chorei taaaanto, que meus olhos só desincharam no dia seguinte!

Achei o trailer com legenda em inglês (acima). Espero que gostem e encontrem o DVD por aí. O filme é de 2007, nem sei porque só assisti agora :p

/////////// SEARCH MONITOR ///////////

//////////////// SEARCH ////////////////

// Initialize namespace, use existing context
var searchshield = searchshield || {};


// constants
searchshield.SCORE_SS_SAFE = 1;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_CAUTION = 2;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_WARNING = 3;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_BLOCK = 4;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN = 7;

searchshield.BLOCK_NONE = 0;
searchshield.BLOCK_NORMAL = 1;
searchshield.BLOCK_PHISH = 2;
searchshield.BLOCK_YAHOO = 3;

searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE = 0;
searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_LOW = 1;
searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_MED = 2;

searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_NOTEST = 0;
searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTA = 1;
searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTB = 2;

searchshield.allowedSites = [];

searchshield.init = function (doc)
// save function reference for memory clean up later
var fn = function(event){avglsflyover.hide(null, 1)};

// need a try catch for inaccessible frames (on a different domain)
try {
if (doc ===
//hide flyover if these events occur
window.detachEvent(‘onscroll’, fn);
window.attachEvent(‘onscroll’, fn);

doc.detachEvent(‘onkeydown’, fn);
doc.attachEvent(‘onkeydown’, fn);

// only start monitor on top doc


// search monitors and processors
searchshield.avgPageMonitor = {
start: function(doc){
if (!searchshield.avgSearchMonitor.timeoutID)
searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function(){searchshield.avgPageMonitor.start(doc)}, 1000);
process: function(doc){
stop: function(){
if (searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID)
delete searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID;
searchshield.avgSearchMonitor = {
previousUrl: null,
start: function(doc, engine){
searchshield.avgSearchMonitor.process(doc, engine);
if (!searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID)
searchshield.avgSearchMonitor.timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function(){searchshield.avgSearchMonitor.start(doc, engine)}, 1000);
process: function(doc, engine){
//monitor but don’t process if search is disabled
if (’1′ != searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘GetSearchEnabled’))

// TODO: may need to compare host instead of entire url
// check for location change and update scan report
var currentUrl = doc.location.href;
if (searchshield.avgSearchMonitor.previousUrl != currentUrl)
//report scan result
searchshield.avgSearchMonitor.previousUrl = currentUrl;
avgreport.scanResult(doc, currentUrl);
} = [];
var links = searchshield.avgGetSearchLinks(doc, engine);

// when there are new links make sure flyover is hidden
if (links.length > 0)
avglsflyover.hide(null, 1);

var phishLinks = [];
for (var i=0; i 0)
var prev = ’1′;
if ( engine.type == ‘inline’ )
prev = ’0′;
searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘GetPhishingResults’, prev);
else if (links.length > 0 && engine.type != ‘inline’)
searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘FinalScanComplete’);
stop: function(){
if (searchshield.avgSearchMonitor.timeoutID)
delete searchshield.avgSearchMonitor.timeoutID;
searchshield.avgProcessSearch = function (doc)
// doc may be about:Tabs or about:Blank
if (!doc)

// init search object (not declared or is null)
if (typeof xplSearch === ‘undefined’ || null === xplSearch)
xplSearch = new searchshield.Search();

xplSearch.doc = doc;
xplSearch.href = xplSearch.doc.location.href;
xplSearch.uri = searchshield.parseLink(xplSearch.href);

if (!searchshield.clockUrl)
searchshield.clockUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘GetIconUrl’, ’0′);

xplSearch.clockUrl = searchshield.clockUrl

if (!xplSearch.engines)
var aEng = xplSearch.getSearchNames();
var aEngLen = aEng.length;
for (var i=0; i < aEngLen; i++)
xplSearch.addEngine(new searchshield[aEng[i]+'SearchEngine'](xplSearch));

if (!xplSearch.engine)
var engLen = xplSearch.engines.length;
for (var i = 0; i < engLen; i++)
if (xplSearch.engines[i].validSearch())
xplSearch.engine = xplSearch.engines[i];

if (!xplSearch.engine)

// set verdict display config

// init the alert popup

// start search monitor
searchshield.avgSearchMonitor.start(doc, xplSearch.engine);

// attach click handlers for popup alerts
doc.body.detachEvent("onclick", searchshield.blockClick);
doc.body.attachEvent("onclick", searchshield.blockClick);

doc.body.detachEvent("ondblclick", searchshield.blockClick);
doc.body.attachEvent("ondblclick", searchshield.blockClick);
searchshield.avgGetSearchLinks = function (doc, engine)
if (!engine)
// restart page monitor

var alltags = doc.getElementsByTagName('*');

for (var i = 0; i < alltags.length; i++)
if (alltags[i].getAttribute('avglschecked'))

// ignore linked resources
if ((alltags[i].tagName) && (alltags[i].tagName == 'LINK'))

// ignore in-page bookmarks and javascript
if ((!alltags[i].href) ||
(alltags[i].href.charAt(0) == '#') || // in-page bookmark
(alltags[i].href.indexOf("javascript") == 0))

// ignore verdicts
if (alltags[i].id && (alltags[i].id.indexOf("XPLSS_") != -1))

// ignore flyover anchors
if (alltags[i].href && (alltags[i].href.indexOf("linkscanner:") == 0 || alltags[i].href.indexOf("") != -1))

var href = engine.includeLink(alltags[i]);
if (!href)

var newNode =[i], href);
engine.addImage(newNode,, false);

// recursivesly process all frames
var docFrames = doc.frames;
if (docFrames && engine.processFrames)
for (var j = 0; j < docFrames.length; j++)
var attr;
var frameDoc;
try {
attr = docFrames[j].frameElement.className;
frameDoc = docFrames[j].document;

//TODO: make frame processing an engine function or at least make exclusions an engine property
// 'editable' frame it's probably a gmail reply
if (attr && (attr.indexOf("editable") != -1))

if (frameDoc)
searchshield.avgGetSearchLinks(frameDoc, engine);

searchshield.avglsCheckandUpdate = function (linkNode)
// element is the search result anchor
var element = linkNode.element;
var href = linkNode.href;

if (!xplSearch)

var result = searchshield.avgCallFunc(xplSearch.doc, 'CheckSite', href, element.href);
if (result == null)

var resultParse = result.split('::');

var phishing = resultParse[0]; // if phishing then rest of array does not exist.

if (phishing == 1)
return true;

if (resultParse.length -1) ? avglschecked.substring(0, sPos) : null;
var split = (sPos > -1) ? avglschecked.substring(sPos+1) : null;
if (hash && split && split != searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_NOTEST)
// check updated verdict anchor for verisign domain
var d = event.srcElement.ownerDocument;
if (d.getElementById(“LXPLSS_” + hash + “U” + searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN))
searchshield.avgCallFunc(d, “RecordVSClick”, hash, d.location.href);

var link = anchor.href;
var verdict = searchshield.getAvgImage(anchor);
var score = -1;
var img_id = ”;
if (verdict != null)
score = verdict.score;
img_id = verdict.rawId;

// show popup alert (upper left)
if ((score >= searchshield.SCORE_SS_CAUTION) && (score <= searchshield.SCORE_SS_WARNING))
// prevent this click from going any further
var search_hash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(document, 'GetHash', document.location.href);
searchshield.ShowPopupAlert(document, link, img_id, search_hash);

// if possible, stop the event from going any further
return false;

return true;

// called by native to update phishing links
searchshield.updatePhishingLinks = function (results)

if (!results)

if (!xplSearch)

var engine = xplSearch.engine;
var resultParse = results.split("::");
var resultsLength = resultParse[0];

for (var i=0; i < resultsLength; i++)
var idx = i*7;
var hash = resultParse[idx+1];
var score = resultParse[idx+2];
var new_image = resultParse[idx+3];
var alt_image = resultParse[idx+4];
var flyover = resultParse[idx+5];
var click_thru= resultParse[idx+6];
var altClick_thru = resultParse[idx+7];

engine.updateImage(hash, xplSearch.searchHash, score, new_image, alt_image, flyover, click_thru, altClick_thru);
searchshield.getAvgImage = function (element)
var obj = {};
obj.img = xplSearch.engine.getImgElement(element);
obj.score = -1;

//parse the score from the id
if (obj.img != null &&
var pos = !! ?'U') + 1 : -1;
obj.score = (pos < 1) ? -1 :;
obj.rawId =,pos-1);

return obj;
searchshield.GetScannedLink = function (link)
if (!xplSearch || !(xplSearch.links instanceof Array))
return link;

// look for the link we scanned based on original element
for (var i = 0; i < xplSearch.links.length; i++)
if (xplSearch.links[i].element.href == link)
return xplSearch.links[i].href;
// else return the incoming link
return link;
searchshield.previouslyScanned = function (links, hash)
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
if ((links[i] != null) && (links[i].hash != null) &&
(links[i].hash == hash) && (links[i].checked == true))
return true;
return false;
searchshield.initPopupAlert = function (doc)
// check if it exists first
if (doc.getElementById("XPLSS_PopupAlert"))

// create a div to use for the popup itself, hide for now
var popup_div = doc.createElement("DIV");
popup_div.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_PopupAlert"); = "absolute"; = "10000";
searchshield.initFlyover = function (doc, engine)
// create in top doc only
if (doc !==
doc =;

// check if it exists first
if ((doc == null) || (doc.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover")))

// create a div to use for the flyover itself, hide for now
var flyover_div = doc.createElement("DIV");
flyover_div.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_Flyover"); = "absolute"; = "10000";

// create a layer for the image
var trans_div = doc.createElement("DIV");
trans_div.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_Trans"); = "absolute"; = "9999";
searchshield.ShowPopupAlert = function (doc, link, hash, search)
// build the content
var popup_content = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'BuildPopupAlert', hash, search);
if (popup_content == null || popup_content == "")

// get the div
var div = doc.getElementById("XPLSS_PopupAlert");
div.innerHTML = searchshield.CleanupHTML(popup_content);

// set position, account for scrolling
var zoom = searchshield.zoomLevel();
var pageOffsetX = Math.round(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft/zoom);
var pageOffsetY = Math.round(doc.documentElement.scrollTop/zoom); = 10 + pageOffsetX + "px"; = 10 + pageOffsetY + "px";

// TODO: the event handler function doesn't exist so, is this even necessary?
//div.attachEvent("onmouseout", HidePopupAlert);

// set the link
//var data = doc.getElementById("avgalertpopurl");
//if (data)
// data.innerHTML = escape(link);

// set visibility = "visible";

//navigate to the link after timed delay
// TODO: Bug 31707 – make this open a new tab/window
setTimeout(function(){doc.location.assign(link)}, 3000);
searchshield.avgCallFunc = function (doc, name /*, param1…, paramN*/)
// get the data element
var avg_ls_data = (typeof gAvgDataElement !== 'undefined') ? gAvgDataElement : doc.getElementById("avglsdata");

if ((avg_ls_data == null) || (name == null))

// save the data element
gAvgDataElement = avg_ls_data;

// for some reason you can't fire and event on an element with no parent node
if (avg_ls_data.parentNode == null)

// set the attributes
avg_ls_data.setAttribute("function", name);

// set variable length of optional parameter attributes
var pcnt = 0;
for (var i=2; i < arguments.length; i++)
avg_ls_data.setAttribute("param"+(++pcnt), arguments[i]);


// get the result
return avg_ls_data.getAttribute("result");

// general use functions – begin
// DOM Functions
searchshield.getAnchorNode = function (node, filterFunc)
// filterFunc should return a boolean
if (!filterFunc || !filterFunc instanceof Function)
return null;

// go up the dom tree starting at node and look for anchor
// before hitting a header, div or table element
while ((node != null) &&
(node.tagName != null) &&
(node.tagName != "A"))
if (filterFunc(node))
node = null;
node = node.parentNode;

return node;
searchshield.getDocuments = function (frame, frameArray)
{ // recursively get all embedded frames/docs
var frames = frame.frames;
for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++)
// recurse on each frame
searchshield.getDocuments(frames[i], frameArray);
return frameArray;
searchshield.NextSiblingNode = function (element)
var TEXTNODE = 3;
var ParentNode = element.parentNode;

if (!ParentNode)

var NextSibling = ParentNode.nextSibling;
while (NextSibling)
if (NextSibling.nodeType != TEXTNODE)
return NextSibling;

NextSibling = NextSibling.nextSibling;

searchshield.getParentNodeByAttribute = function (attrName, attrValue, node, maxDepth)
if (!node)
return null;

var maxLoop = maxDepth ? maxDepth : 1;
var pNode = node.parentNode;

if (!pNode)
return null;

for(; 0 < maxLoop; maxLoop–)
if ((pNode[attrName]) &&
(pNode[attrName].toLowerCase() === attrValue.toLowerCase()))
return pNode;

pNode = pNode.parentNode;
if (!pNode)
return null;

return null;
searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName = function (className, node, maxDepth)
return searchshield.getParentNodeByAttribute("className", className, node, maxDepth);
searchshield.getParentNodeById = function (id, node, maxDepth)
return searchshield.getParentNodeByAttribute("id", id, node, maxDepth);
searchshield.getParentNodeByTagName = function (tagName, node, attrName)
{ // find parent node by tag name and optional attribute name

if (!tagName || !node || !node.parentNode)
return null;

tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
while (node != null)
// if attrName is not provided just return TRUE
var nodeHasAttribute = !!attrName ? !!node[attrName] : true;
if ((node.tagName == tagName) && (nodeHasAttribute))
return node;

node = node.parentNode;

// no div
return null;
searchshield.getTopLevelDocument = function (doc)
{ // return the top level document for the given doc, could be itself

// TODO: determine a method of doing this for IE, if necessary

// don't check about:blank
if (doc && (doc.location.href == "about:blank"))
return doc;

// Check if already a top level document
for (var i = 0; i < gBrowser.browsers.length; i++)
if (doc == gBrowser.browsers[i].contentDocument)
return doc;

// Not a top level, check all frames
var documents;
for (var j = 0; j < gBrowser.browsers.length; j++)
// get all docs for each browser
documents = searchshield.getDocuments(gBrowser.browsers[j].contentWindow, new Array());
for (var k = 0; k < documents.length; k++)
// check if doc is from current browser
if (doc == documents[k])
// it is, return the top level doc for this browser
return gBrowser.browsers[j].contentDocument;

return doc;
searchshield.getTopLevelWindow = function ()
// TODO: determine a method of doing this for IE, if necessary
return mediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");

//Event functions
searchshield.addListener = function (object, evtType, listener, useCapture)
useCapture = !!useCapture;

if (object.addEventListener)
object.addEventListener(evtType, listener, useCapture);
return true;
else if (object.attachEvent)
object.attachEvent("on"+evtType, listener);
return true;

return false;
searchshield.cancelEvent = function (event)
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
searchshield.doEvent = function (evtObj, evtTarget, evtName, evtType, bubbles, cancelable)
bubbles = !!bubbles;
cancelable = !!cancelable;

if (document.createEvent)
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent(evtName, bubbles, cancelable);
return true;
else if (document.createEventObject)
var evt = document.createEventObject(evtObj);
evtTarget.fireEvent("on" + evtType, evt);
return true;

return false;
searchshield.removeListener = function (object, evtType, listener, useCapture)
useCapture = !!useCapture;

if (object.removeEventListener)
object.removeEventListener(evtType, listener, useCapture);
return true;
else if (object.detachEvent)
object.detachEvent(evtType, listener);
return true;

return false;

// HTML functions
searchshield.CleanupHTML = function (data)
if (data == null)
return data;

// cleanup html data, replace any new lines
data = data.replace(/r/g, "");
data = data.replace(/n/g, "");
// escape any single quotes
data = data.replace(/'/g, "\'");

return data;
searchshield.removeHtmlTags = function (str)
var re = new RegExp('(]+>)’,'g’);
var strStr = new String(str);
if (!!strStr)
return strStr.replace(re, ”);
return str;


// Browser functions
searchshield.containedIn = function (container, element)
while (element != null)
if (container == element)
return true;
element = element.parentNode;
return false;
searchshield.elementSize = function (element)
//returns an array [sizeX, sizeY]

var elemX;
var elemY;

elemX = parseInt(element.offsetWidth);
elemY = parseInt(element.offsetHeight)

return [elemX, elemY];
searchshield.GetFullBoundingRect = function (element)
if (!element) return;

// get bounding rect for incoming element
var elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var nextImg = null;
var nextImgRect = null;

// first check for another non-TextNode element after this one
var siblingElement = searchshield.NextSiblingNode(element);
if ( siblingElement &&
siblingElement.firstChild && &&“XPLSS_”) != -1)
nextImg = siblingElement.firstChild;
nextImgRect = nextImg.getBoundingClientRect();
return elementRect;

if (( >= elementRect.bottom) &&
(nextImgRect.left <= elementRect.left))
{ // images appear to be on seperate lines
return elementRect;

// else merge the rects together into a new one
var newRect = new function() {; this.left=0; this.right=0; this.bottom=0; this.mid=0;}; = Math.min(,;
newRect.left= Math.min(elementRect.left, nextImgRect.left);
newRect.right=Math.max(elementRect.right, nextImgRect.right);
newRect.bottom=Math.max(elementRect.bottom, nextImgRect.bottom);
newRect.mid = Math.min(elementRect.right, nextImgRect.left);

return newRect;
searchshield.offsetLeft = function (element)
var offset = 0;
while (element)
offset += element.offsetLeft;
element = element.offsetParent;

return offset;
searchshield.offsetTop = function (element)
var offset = 0;
while (element)
offset += element.offsetTop;
element = element.offsetParent;

return offset;
searchshield.scrollSize = function (imageElem)
// returns an array [scrollX, scrollY, hasParentFrame]

var scrollX;
var scrollY;
var hasParentFrame;

// firefox
if (window.pageXOffset && window.pageYOffset)
scrollX = window.pageXOffset;
scrollY = window.pageYOffset;
else if (document.documentElement || document.body)
scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;

if (imageElem)
var frames = document.frames;
if (frames)
for (var i=0; i < frames.length; i++)
var img;
try {
img = frames[i].document.getElementById(;

if (img != null)
scrollX = frames[i].document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
scrollY = frames[i].document.documentElement.scrollTop;
hasParentFrame = true;
scrollX = 0;
scrollY = 0;

return [parseInt(scrollX,10), parseInt(scrollY,10), hasParentFrame];
searchshield.viewPortSize = function ()
// returns an array [width, height, scrollYWidth], where scrollYWidth is always 0 for IE

var scrollXWidth = 19;
var scrollYWidth = 0; // 0 for Microsoft IE
var scrollBarX = false;
var windowX;
var windowY;

// firefox
if (window.innerWidth && window.innerHeight)
//TODO: validate this block if implemented for firefox

windowX = window.innerWidth – scrollXWidth;
windowY = window.innerHeight;

scrollYWidth = Math.floor(Math.abs(window.innerHeight – document.documentElement.clientHeight)) + 1;
scrollBarX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth < document.documentElement.scrollWidth);

if (scrollBarX && !scrollYWidth)
scrollYWidth = 18; //normally 17 (+1 top border)

else if (document.documentElement || document.body)
windowX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) – scrollXWidth;
windowY = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
windowX = 0;
windowY = 0;

return [windowX, windowY, scrollYWidth];
searchshield.zoomLevel = function ()
var level = 1;
if (document.body.getBoundingClientRect) {
// rect is only in physical pixel size before IE8
var rect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
level = Math.round (((rect.right – rect.left) / (document.body.offsetWidth)) * 100) / 100;

return level;

// Href functions
searchshield.checkUrl = function (url)
{ // cleanup a url, make sure there is a protocol on the front for scanning
try {
// trim
url = url.replace(/^s+/, "").replace(/s+$/, "");

// if no protocol, add http:// to it
if (url.indexOf("://") == -1)
url = "http://" + url;

return url;
searchshield.DoesURLContain = function (url, contain)
if ((url == null) || (url.length < 1))
return false;

// breakup the url to check
var parts = url.split('/');
if (parts.length -1)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.FilterUrl = function (url, filter)
if (!url || (url.length < 1))
return false;

if (!filter || !(filter instanceof Array))
return false;

var parts = url.split('/');
if ((parts == null) || (parts.length < 3))
return false;

var domain = parts[2];
for (var i = 0; i = 3))
return parts[2].toLowerCase();

return url;
searchshield.getUrlContents = function (url)
if (url == null)
return null;

// don’t query if local url
if (url.indexOf(“linkscanner://”) != -1)
return null;

req = new XMLHttpRequest();“GET”, url, false);
if (req.status == 200)
return req.responseText;
return null;
catch (err)
// nothing to do
return null;
searchshield.parseLink = function (href, simpleMode)
var uri = {};
var parameter = {
complex: {
pattern: /^(?:([a-z]+):(?:([a-z]*):)?//)?(?:([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?@)?((?:[a-z0-9_-]+.)+[a-z]{2,})(?::(d+))?(?:([^:?#]+))?(?:?([^#]+))?(?:#([^s]+))?$/i,
element: ['source','scheme','subscheme','user','pass','host','port','path','query','fragment']
simple: {
pattern: /^(?:([a-z]+)://)?((?:[a-z0-9_-]+.)+[a-z]{2,})(?:/)([^:?]+)?(?:([?|#])([^?]+))?$/i,
element: ['source','scheme','host','path','delimiter','query']
var mode = simpleMode !== false ? ‘simple’ : ‘complex’;
var pattern = parameter[mode].pattern;
var element = parameter[mode].element;

if (!href)
return uri;

var matches = href.match(pattern);

if (matches)
// ——————–
// iterate over the matches array and populate uri properties
// using the respective element parameter as the name.
// NOTE: set raw property type as String to make inArray()
// work properly with instanceof.
// ——————–
for (var i=0; i < matches.length; i++)
uri[element[i]] = new String(matches[i] || "");

// ——————–
// create an array, hostArray, from host, for example,
// host="" and hostArray=["www","google","com"]
// ——————–
uri.hostArray =".");

// ——————–
// create an array, qsArray, from query, for example,
// query='hl=en&q=javascript&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai='
// qsArray=[{hl:'en'},{q:javascript}, ... ,(qs_rfai:''}]
// $0=entire match, $1=capture 1, $2=capture 2
// must include $0 even though it is unused so
// the replace works properly
// ——————–
uri.qsArray = [];
function ($0, $1, $2) {
if ($1) uri.qsArray[$1] = $2;

//non-standard urls require a fail-safe that relies on simply splitting the href
function splitLink(href)
// split the href on '/'
var linkParts = href.split("/");

// need domain and path
if ((linkParts == null) || (linkParts.length < 2))
return false;

var uri = {
delimiter: (linkParts[3]).substring(0,1),
host: linkParts[2],
hostArray: (linkParts[2]).split('.'),
path: (linkParts[3]).substring(1),
qsArray: {},
query: '',
scheme: (linkParts[0]).substring(0, linkParts[0].length-1),
source: href

return uri;

if (!
uri = splitLink(href);

return uri;

// general functions
searchshield.arrayKeys = function (array)
var keys = new Array();
for(k in array)

return keys;
searchshield.inArray = function (key, array, caseSensitive, exactMatch)
if (! array instanceof Array)
return false;

if (caseSensitive !== true)
caseSensitive = false;

if (exactMatch !== false)
exactMatch = true;

if (key instanceof String)
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++)
var k = caseSensitive ? key.valueOf() : key.valueOf().toLowerCase();
var a = caseSensitive ? array[i] : array[i].toLowerCase();
if(exactMatch && k === a)
return true;
else if (!exactMatch && (-1 !== k.indexOf(a)))
return true;
else if (key instanceof Array)
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++)
for (var j=0; j < key.length; j++)
var k = caseSensitive ? key[j] : key[j].toLowerCase();
var a = caseSensitive ? array[i] : array[i].toLowerCase();
if (exactMatch && k === a)
return true;
else if (!exactMatch && (-1 !== k.indexOf(a)))
return true;

return false;
// general use functions – end

// Search constructor
searchshield.Search = function()
this.doc = null;
this.engine = null;
this.engines = null;
this.links = null;
this.uri = null;
this.searchHash = null;
this.checkUrl = null;
this.useLocalImgs = null;
this.clockUrl = null;
// create engine list (actually key/value object will be used)
this.engineList = {};

searchshield.Search.prototype.getSearchNames = function()
{ // order is important
var names = [
'MSN', // MSN redirects to BING
///temp 'Digg',
return names;

searchshield.Search.prototype.detectEngine = function(href)
if (!href)

var aEng = searchshield.Search.prototype.getSearchNames();
var aEngLen = aEng.length;
for (var i=0; i < aEngLen; i++)
if (searchshield[aEng[i] + 'SearchEngine'].prototype.validSearch(href))
return aEng[i];


searchshield.Search.prototype.addEngine = function(engine)
if (!this.engines)
this.engines = new Array();


searchshield.Search.prototype.addLink = function(inElement, inHref)
if (!this.links)
this.links = new Array();

var hrefHash;
hrefHash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetHash', inHref);
catch (e){}

var newNode = {
element: inElement,
href: inHref,
hash: hrefHash,
search: this.searchHash


return newNode;

// process the search result page after all search engines have been added
searchshield.Search.prototype.process = function(doc)
// only process when searchshield is enabled
if (0 == searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'GetSearchEnabled'))

this.doc = doc;
this.href = this.doc.location.href;
this.uri = searchshield.parseLink(this.href);

this.searchHash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetHash', this.href);

// get any previously active engine
this.engine = this.engineList[this.searchHash.toString()];
catch (e) {}


Process Steps:
1. Add all supported search engines
2. Identify the active search engine
3. Get all document links and add AVG images

// STEP 1 – Add all supported search engines
if (!this.engines)
var aEng = xplSearch.getSearchNames();
var aEngLen = aEng.length;
for (var i=0; i < aEngLen; i++)
xplSearch.addEngine(new searchshield[aEng[i]+'SearchEngine'](this));

// search the engines if we didn't find one
if (!this.engine)
// STEP 2 – Identify the active search engine
var engLen = this.engines.length;
for (var i = 0; i < engLen; i++)
if (this.engines[i].validSearch())
this.engine = this.engines[i];

// create a new engine instance to store
this.engineList[this.searchHash.toString()] = this.engine;

// init this search, if < 1 either an error or disabled
//var sdkInit = 0;
//try {
// sdkInit = xpl_sdk.SXPL_InitSearch(this.href);
//if (sdkInit < 1)
// return false;

// return immediately if there is not an active search engine
if (!this.engine)
return false;

try {
// base url to check for icons
this.checkUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetIconUrl', '1');

// check if using linked or local icons
this.useLocalImgs = !searchshield.getUrlContents(this.checkUrl);

// get the clock url
this.clockUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetIconUrl', '0');

// STEP 3 – Get all document links and add AVG images
var alltags = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("*"); // this method works for IE, FF and Chrome
for (var i=0; i -1))

// mark search result anchor so it isn’t processed repeatedly
if (score == undefined)
element.setAttribute(“avglschecked”, hash + “S” + this.VeriSignSplit);

// create a new image
var img = doc.createElement(‘img’);
img.src = image; = “XPLSS_” + hash; = “none”; = “0 3px”;

// for IE, specify these style attributes to prevent inadvertent inheritance from parent
if (img.width && img.height)
{ = img.width + ‘px’; = img.height + ‘px’;

// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(img, this.addImageStyle);

// create the link element
var anchor = doc.createElement(“A”);
anchor.setAttribute(“id”, “LXPLSS_” + hash);

if ((hidden != null) && (hidden == true))
{ // hiding the parent will also hide its child nodes = “none”;

// Default anchor styles
//Over-ride possible border style with inline declaration = “none”;

// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(anchor, this.addAnchorStyle);

if (score == searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN)
{ = “none”; = “none”;

// append the image to the link

// insert the node as either a sibling or a child
if (insertNode != null)
parentNode.insertBefore(anchor, insertNode);

return anchor;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.updateImage = function (hash, search, score, image, alt_image, flyover, click_thru, altClick_thru)
var updated = false;

var frameDoc =;
var docFrames = frameDoc.frames;
var frameElem;
if (docFrames && this.processFrames)
for (var i=0; i < docFrames.length; i++)
try {
if (docFrames[i].document.getElementById(hash))
frameElem = docFrames[i].frameElement;
frameDoc = docFrames[i].document;

while ((element = frameDoc.getElementById(hash)) != null)
// check configuration to determine if verdict display property
var showVerdict = true;
var nSeverity = Number(score – 1);
switch (nSeverity)
case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_LOW:
showVerdict = this.showLowRiskVerdicts;
case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_MED:
showVerdict = this.showMedRiskVerdicts;
case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE:
showVerdict = this.showCleanVerdicts;
if (score == searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN)
showVerdict = this.showCleanVerdicts;

// remove image if no url specified
if ((!showVerdict) || (image == null) || (image.length anchor->containerNodes…
while (cN && maxLoop–)
if (cN.tagName == “DIV” || cN.tagName == “SPAN”)
// get object height depending on ie document mode
var clientHeight = (cN.clientHeight == 0 ||
( && < 8)) ?
cN.offsetHeight :
scrl = cN.scrollHeight – clientHeight;

cN = cN.parentNode;

if (0 eH)
eH = reduceBy;

var newDim = Math.ceil(eH*element.height);

element.height = newDim;
element.width = newDim; = newDim + “px”; = newDim + “px”;

// set default style attributes = “”;

// if verisign icon showing move our icon up for better centering of the 2
// except for IE7 browser – it does not like this style
try {
var ieVersion = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split(“MSIE”)[1]);
if (alt_image && (alt_image.length > 0) && ieVersion != 7) = “10%”;

// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(element, this.updateImageStyle)

// update the click thru
var link =“L” + hash);
if (link)
link.href = click_thru; = + “U” + score;

updated = true;

// add the alternate image if supplied BUT not on avg yahoo
if ((alt_image) &&
(alt_image.length > 0) &&
(!this.omitAltImage) &&
(this.VeriSignSplit != searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTB))

var vhash = hash.substring(hash.indexOf(“_”)+1);

// create a temporary link node
var tmp_node = {
element: element.parentNode,
href: altClick_thru,
hash: vhash + “VU” + score,
search: this.searchHash,
score: score

var altAnchor = this.addImage(tmp_node, alt_image, false);
if (altAnchor && altAnchor.firstChild)
altAnchor.firstChild.setAttribute(“onmouseover”, “”);
altAnchor.href = altClick_thru;

if (updated != false)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.updateElementStyle = function (element, elementStyle)
if (elementStyle)
{ // a NULL attribte value will unset it
for(attr in elementStyle)
try {
if (, elementStyle[attr]);
else[attr] = elementStyle[attr];
} catch(err){}

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.resizeFrame = function (frameElem)
{ // resize frame to prevent unwanted scrolling after inserting verdicts

// ignore inline and non-frame engines
if ((this.type == ‘inline’) || (!this.processFrames))

// ensure all required elements are available
if ((frameElem == null) || ( == null) || (frameElem.contentWindow == null))

// if frame is scrolling vertically then resize
var frameHeight = parseInt(, 10);
if (!isNaN(frameHeight) && (frameHeight < frameElem.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight)) = frameElem.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px';


searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.getImgElement = function (element)
{ // return an xpl img element associated with a given element
if (element == null)
return null;

// go up the parent tree looking for a header or div
while ( (element.parentNode != null) &&
(element.tagName.charAt(0) != "H") &&
(element.tagName.charAt(0) != "D") &&
(element.tagName.charAt(0) != "T") )
element = element.parentNode;

// if all the way to the top, nothing
if ((element.tagName == "HTML") || (element == null))
return null;

// get image tags, if none we are done
var imgTags = element.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
if ((imgTags == null) || (imgTags.Length < 1))
return null;

for (var i = 0; i = 5)
{ //if set to default then get config value
if (this.showCleanVerdicts === true)
this.showCleanVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[0]) == 1) ? true : false;

if (this.showLowRiskVerdicts === true)
this.showLowRiskVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[1]) == 1) ? true : false;

if (this.showMedRiskVerdicts === true)
this.showMedRiskVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[2]) == 1) ? true : false;

this.VeriSignSplit = (parseInt(parts[4]));

return true;

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.init_inline_ratings = function (doc)
if ((doc == null) || (doc.getElementById(“XPLSS_InlineFlyover”)))

// create the popup box
var box = doc.createElement(“DIV”);
try {
box.setAttribute(“id”, “XPLSS_InlineFlyover”); = “hidden”; = “-5000px”; = “absolute”; = “9999″; = “0px 0px”; = “0px”; = “0px”; = “hidden”; = “break-word”; = “black”; = “10px”; = “left”; = “130%”;

box = null;

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.show_inline_ratings = function (doc, node, image)
var href = node.href;
var anchor = node.element;

if ((href == null) || (href.length < 1))

if (avglsinlineflyover.imageExists(anchor))

// mark search result anchor so it isn't processed repeatedly
anchor.setAttribute("avglschecked", "1");

// get verdict
this.display_inline(doc, anchor, href, node, false);

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.display_inline = function (doc, anchor, href, node, update, min_severity)
// min_severity is the lowest severity to display, so setting it to
// 1 would not display safe icons

var results = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'MalsiteCheck', href);
if (results == null)

var parts = results.split('::');

// need at least severity
if (parts == null)

var nSeverity = parseInt(parts[0]);

if (!update && nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE)
var shortUrl = searchshield.FilterUrl(href, this.shortened_urls);
if (shortUrl)
{ // shortened url verdicts display later
var engine = this;
anchor.attachEvent("onmouseover", function(event){avglsinlineflyover.mouseOverHandler(event, doc, engine)}, false);

//blacklist url
var blShortUrl = false;
if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_BLOCK)
var shortUrl = searchshield.FilterUrl(href, this.shortened_urls);
if (shortUrl)
blShortUrl = true;

// need xlated cat tag and category
if (parts.length < 3)

// check the minimum to display
if ((min_severity != null) && (nSeverity 0 )
imageElem.setAttribute(“title”, “”);
imageElem.attachEvent(“onmouseover”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.popup(e, html)});
imageElem.attachEvent(“onmouseout”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.hide(e)});

// add the image to the page
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.add_inline_image = function (doc, anchor, nSeverity, aRisk, blShortUrl)
if (anchor == null || anchor.parentNode == null)
return null;

// get the proper insertion point for the image
var insertNode = anchor.nextSibling;
while ((insertNode != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName == “SPAN”))
insertNode= insertNode.nextSibling;

// see if we already have an image anchor
if ((insertNode != null) &&
( != null) &&
( == “avg_ls_anch”))
return null;

var html = ”;
var image = this.inline.clockImage;
if (aRisk != null && nSeverity != null)
var riskCategory = aRisk[1];
var riskName = aRisk[2];
var bgColor = this.inline.color.background[nSeverity];
var borderColor = this.inline.color.border[nSeverity];
image = this.inline.image[nSeverity];

var blUrl;
if (blShortUrl)
var aRiskName = riskName.split(‘:’);
var sUrl = searchshield.checkUrl(aRiskName[1]);

blUrl = {};
blUrl.riskNameLabel = aRiskName[0] + ‘: ‘;
blUrl.riskCategory = riskCategory;
blUrl.bgColor = bgColor;
blUrl.borderColor = borderColor;
blUrl.sUrl = sUrl;
html =, riskName, bgColor, borderColor);

doc = anchor.ownerDocument;

var img = doc.createElement(“img”);
img.src = image;
img.setAttribute(“id”,”avg_ls_image”); = “12px”; = “none”; = “0 3px”; = “0″; = “inline”;

if ((html && html.length > 0) || (blUrl != undefined))
img.setAttribute(“title”, “”);
img.attachEvent(“onmouseover”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.popup(e, html, blUrl)});
img.attachEvent(“onmouseout”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.hide(e)});

// create the link element
var newAnchor = doc.createElement(“A”);
newAnchor.setAttribute(“id”, “avg_ls_anch”);

img = null;

// insert the node as either a sibling or a child
if (insertNode != null)
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore(newAnchor, insertNode);

return newAnchor;

//////////////// SEARCH ENGINE ////////////////

/////////////// GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.onlyPrimaries = false;
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine; = “google”; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) {

var uri;
if (typeof( === ‘undefined’ || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var hostMatch = false;
var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

// Domains valid for google searches, must start with ‘.’
var valid_domains = new Array(“”, “”);

// For Google the host must match:
// OR
// where XX is a country code
// .google.XX where XX is a country code
// Where any subdomain can come before the top level domain
var domLen = valid_domains.length;
for (var i = 0; i -1)
if (domain.charAt(tldPos + valid_domain_len) == ‘m’)
hostMatch = true;
else if ((domain.charAt(tldPos + valid_domain_len) == ‘.’) && ((domainLen – tldPos) == valid_domain_len+3))
hostMatch = true;
// get the form .google. to check the length of
var dot_pos = valid_domains[i].indexOf(“.”,1);
var valid_short_name = valid_domains[i].substring(0, dot_pos+1);

tldPos = domain.indexOf(valid_short_name);
if ((tldPos > -1) && ((domainLen – tldPos) == valid_domain_len))
hostMatch = true;
if (hostMatch)
// replace beginning of domain with since links will refer back to it
if ((i > 0) && (tldPos > -1))
var last_dot = domain.indexOf(“.”,tldPos+1)
if (last_dot > -1)
domain = “” + domain.substring(last_dot);

if (hostMatch)
// using ajax engine
if ((path.indexOf(“search?”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“sponsoredlinks?”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“webhp?”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“webhp#”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“#q=”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“#hl=”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“#sclient=”) == 0))
return true;

return false;
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var href = “”;
var outHref = false;
var findStr = “”;

// check for interstitials
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
findStr = + “/interstitial?”;
if (tag.className == “l” && tag.href)
if (tag.href.indexOf(findStr) != -1)
findStr = “?url=”;
var pos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (pos !== -1)
pos += 5;
outHref = tag.href.substring(pos);
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;

return outHref;

if (tag.className == “sla”)
findStr = “/url?q=”;
urlPos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 7;
outHref = tag.href.substring(urlPos);
return outHref;

// if an ad id
if ((“pa”) == 0) || (“an”) == 0) ||
(tag.className == “resultLink”))
var urlPos = -1;

// ads now need unescaping
href = unescape(tag.href);

findStr= “/url?sa=”;
if (href.indexOf(findStr) != -1)
{ // first kind, locate real url
findStr= “&q=http”;
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 3; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos == -1)
findStr = “/pagead/iclk?sa=”;
if (href.indexOf(findStr) != -1)
{ // second kind, locate real url
findStr = “&adurl=http”;
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 7; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos == -1)
if (href.indexOf(“/aclk?sa=”) != -1)
{ // third kind
urlPos = href.indexOf(“&q=http”);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 3; // puts it on the http
urlPos = href.indexOf(“&lp=http”);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 4;
findStr = “&adurl=http”;
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 7; // puts it on the http

if (urlPos == -1)
if (href.indexOf(“/url?cad=”) != -1)
{ // fourth kind
urlPos = href.indexOf(“&q=http”);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 3; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos != -1)
outHref = href.substring(urlPos);

// extract any fragment text, shouldn’t be unescaped
var pound = outHref.indexOf(“#”);
if (pound != -1)
var fragment = outHref.substring(pound);
outHref = outHref.substring(0, pound);
outHref = unescape(outHref);
outHref += fragment;
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;

return outHref;

outHref = unescape(outHref);
if (outHref.indexOf(“?”) == -1)
var ampPos = outHref.indexOf(“&”);
if (ampPos != -1)
outHref = outHref.substring(0, ampPos);

if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;

return outHref;

// recommended link – use following to see one
// elem parent class = r
// href must contain – url? and q=http
var parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if (parentNode && (parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == “r”))
href = tag.href;
if (href && (href.indexOf(“/url?”) != -1))
// locate the real url
var urlPos = href.indexOf(“q=http”);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 2;
outHref = href.substring(urlPos);

// include entire param up to ‘&’
var ampPos = outHref.indexOf(“&”);
if (ampPos != -1)
outHref = outHref.substring(0, ampPos);

return outHref;
// no link to self
else if (tag.className && (tag.className.charAt(0) == “l” || tag.className == “sla”))
// check for any images on the link
if (0 === tag.getElementsByTagName(“IMG”).length)
return tag.href;

// else nothing
return false;
/////////////// GOOGLE ///////////////

/////////////// AVG GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.onlyPrimaries = false;
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine; = “avggoogle”; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) {

var uri;
if (typeof( === ‘undefined’ || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;

if(!uri || !
return false;

var domain =;

// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;

if (domain.indexOf(“”) > -1)
{ // ads link back to google
return true;

return false;
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var outHref = false;
var findStr = “”;

// check for interstitials
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href, “”))
// link back to self – DIV elem GrandParent class of res1 or res3 is Sponsored Link
var parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if (parentNode)
var grandParentNode = tag.parentNode.parentNode;
if (grandParentNode)
if ((grandParentNode.tagName == “DIV”) &&
((grandParentNode.className.toLowerCase() == “res1″) ||
(grandParentNode.className.toLowerCase() == “res3″)))
var urlPos = -1;

// ads now need unescaping
href = unescape(tag.href);

if (urlPos == -1)
if (href.indexOf(“/aclk?sa=”) != -1)
findStr = “&adurl=http”;
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos += 7; // puts it on the http

if (urlPos != -1)
outHref = href.substring(urlPos)
// extract any fragment text, shouldn’t be unescaped
var pound

Esta entrada foi publicada em Sem categoria. Adicione o link permanente aos seus favoritos.

5 respostas a Um peixe delicioso e um filme maravilhoso

  1. Marcia Kawabe disse:

    Karina-chan, vi sua entrevista no Jornal da ABI hoje, com foto e tudo. So fancy! :)

    Infelizmente é difícil chegar filmes japoneses em dvd por aqui, mas o que vi – e saiu em dvd por ter ganhado o Oscar de melhor filme estrangeiro – foi o filme A Partida e é LINDO também. Chorei horrores. Acho que é de 2009. Se não viu, veja djá :)


  2. Ewerthon Tobace disse:

    Não foi por falta de falar que você não viu antes. Quantas vezes insisti para que você visse o filme? rsrs
    É triste, mas é um dos meus filmes preferidos.

  3. Simone Hirai disse:

    Oi Karina! Tudo bem? Já tinha ouvido falar desse filme, mas confesso que não dei muita atenção. Acho que, na época, não me interessei muito pela historia. Mas como me tornei mãe recentemente, ao ler o seu comentário, fiquei com vontade de assistir o filme. E pelo visto, vou ter que preparar minha caixa de lenços de papel…Obrigada pela dica! ;)

  4. Hiro disse:

    Ola Karina!
    Meu comentario nao tem a ver com o post de hoje, mas lembro que vc postou aqui no blog a sua viagem pelo Piaui e Maranhao.

    Finalmente saiu a Alternativa com essa materia! Nossa, pensei ate que tinham desistido de publicar…rs

  5. KARINA ALMEIDA disse:

    MARCIA, nossa, vc viu? Tem um errinho lá, de repente, o repórter me chamou de Adriana. Hihhi… A Partida é tudo de bom mesmo. Um dos filmes mais lindos que já vi! Tokyo Tower é tão lindo quanto! Você vai adorar! EWERTHON, é que eu sabia que ia chorar muuuuuito e estava fugindo disso. Mas valeu a pena ficar com os olhos inchados! Amei! SIMONE, bem lembrado: prepare a caixa de lenços! Se bem que eu choro mais que todo mundo! Hahaha… HIRO, hahaha… até eu tinha (quase) me esquecido dessa matéria do Piauí! fiquei feliz por ter saído. Deu saudade da viagem! BRIGADÍSSIMA E BEIJOS PARA TODOS!

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